Facial Treatment
Posted: July 7, 2017 Comment: 0
There’s nothing like the feeling that you’re healthy and putting your best face forward. Having regular facial treatments helps you radiate confidence and makes you feel fantastic. INNWA Facial Treatment is using purified Organic Products which suitable for all skin types. Our Facial Treatment offers Cleaning, scrubbing, Masking, Toning and Massaging. This treatment can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles, sun damage, and more, so that your skin becomes more luminous and healthy-looking.
INNWA 面部护理使用纯天然的产品,适合各类肌肤,有效的帮助皮肤排毒,使皮肤重换新生。面部护理包括 清洁去角质,恢复面膜和紧致按摩 。