Herbal Ball Compression Massage
Posted: July 2, 2017 Comment: 0
Herbalism is an ancient tradition that has been preserved for thousands of years. This treatment combines the benefits of massage and herbal remedy to create a stimulating yet soothing therapy. Fragrant medicinal herbs are tightly bound inside cloth and steamed until hot to release their healing oils. Therapist will perform a skilled massage, and then press the healing compress across the entire body to stimulate energy lines, deeply relax the muscles and nerves, and soften and nourish the skin.
结合了传统的按摩方式 和 加热后的草药袋子,直接用于身体上。 药在热量的 帮助下渗透肌肤, 有效的缓解了肌肉酸痛,使人体恢复到最佳精神状态 。