Detoxing Hair Spa

Hair Spa is a therapy that is essential for maintaining a healthy growth. It is basically a procedure that helps to make your hair strong, bouncy and shiny, while simultaneously dealing with dandruff, damaged hair, and hair fall control. Nowadays, the trendiest way of your hair conditioning is to keep it healthy. Our Deep conditioning Hair Spa treatment is designed to Strengthen the hair follicles, Nourish the roots & Revitalize the scalp that leads to natural hair rebirth.
现代人由于生活习惯不良,压力,饮食,造成头皮血液循环不流通,头皮僵硬。头发在不良的头皮环境中 无法正常生长和维持,会造成掉发,产生头皮屑,头发变得稀少,发质变弱。我们的深层头皮头发护理使用纯天然的产品,适合各类头皮。护理包括按摩洗头 达到清除头皮污垢和皮脂,打造适合生发的干净头皮。通过按摩,可以舒缓后天造成的头皮僵硬,促进血液循环,使新发更能顺利长出。